Can Dogs Eat Artichokes?

For humans, fresh artichokes are a delightful summertime staple that can spice up practically any savory dish and complement nearly anything.

 We all enjoy sharing tidbits with our dogs, and they are always eager to eat whatever is on the plate.

However, you should exercise caution if giving your dog new or “human” food. It’s crucial to first determine whether or not that fruit, vegetable, etc. is safe for them.

Fortunately, this article will cover all the information you would require about how to prepare and give your dog artichokes.

What Are Artichokes?

Artichokes (Cynara scolymus) are a type of thistle native to the Mediterranean region. They are a perennial herb with a two-meter height. The flowers are purple or pink, and the leaves have heart-shaped, serrated edges.

Contrary to popular belief, artichokes are actually a type of thistle plant and not a vegetable. The edible portion of this thistle plant is the globe-shaped flower bud, which is cultivated before the flower blossoms, after which it becomes tough and inedible.

Can Dogs Eat Artichokes?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked artichokes, and even better, they are safe to eat it as a whole, including the stem and leaves.  

 Do not give your dog raw artichokes since they contain cynarin, which can make dogs throw up, have diarrhea, and make an unusual digestive noise (borborygmi). However, if the artichoke is cooked, it can aid in digestion and dogs will undoubtedly like the flavor.

Additionally, artichokes cooked with ingredients like garlic, onions, or an excessive amount of salt pose a threat if given to dogs.

Artichokes must be provided to the dog in moderation to guarantee his well-being and optimum nutrition.

Risk Factors To Keep In Mind When Feeding Your Dog Artichokes

1. Choking Hazard  

Feeding artichokes to small breed dogs can pose a high choking risk to them. If you do decide to feed your dog artichokes, be sure to cut them into manageable chunks for them to chew and swallow. A good tip is to refrain from giving them the leaves.

Large breeds are also at a choking risk from feeding artichokes. This happens because many large dogs tend to swallow their food without chewing.

 And as a result, the artichoke can get stuck in their airway. An obstruction in the intestines or bowels could result if your dog ingests huge pieces of artichoke.

These types of obstructions occasionally call for emergency surgery. For this reason, it’s always advisable to be cautious and refrain from offering your dog large pieces of artichoke.

2. Most Canned Artichokes Are Dangerous to Dogs

There is a chance that canned artichokes may include additional substances that are harmful to dogs. Before giving something to your pet, be sure the contents are listed on the can.

If these ingredients are present in the canned artichokes, it is recommended not to give them to your dogs at all. Choose artichokes that are fresh or frozen and have not had any flavors or spices added as an alternative.

These are a few of the ingredients and seasonings to watch out for:

Distilled Vinegar: This is a typical ingredient in many canned artichokes. A little of this won’t hurt your dogs, but too much of it can upset their stomachs and perhaps make them extremely ill.

Garlic: Some canned artichokes also contain this spice. Garlic is toxic to dogs and, in severe situations, can result in anemia, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death.  

Salt: Dogs who consume too much salt may experience electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and vomiting.

Canola Oil: This is a component included in some types of canned artichokes. Small doses of this oil won’t harm your dog, but excessive amounts can lead to pancreatitis.

Citric acid: Canned artichokes can contain citric acid if they had been marinated in vinegar contain citric acid. Dogs who take significant amounts of citric acid may have depression in the central nervous system. Fortunately, many dogs dislike the flavor of citric acid and will usually keep off foods or fruits that contain a lot of it.

3. Artichokes may cause allergies in some dogs.

Some dogs could be allergic to artichokes. Dogs who have an artichoke allergy typically have skin rashes, vomiting, and diarrhea.

It is advised to stop giving your dog artichokes and call your veterinarian if you detect any of these symptoms after giving it to them.

Changing to a different food that doesn’t include artichokes will probably be advised.

Artichoke or Jerusalem artichoke?

A Jerusalem artichoke differs greatly from an artichoke, although they may sound similar. The edible part of Jerusalem artichokes, (sometimes known as sunchokes) is the tuber rather than the flower bud.

Can Dogs Eat Artichoke Leaves?

As long as the artichoke is cooked, dogs can eat the leaves without becoming sick. Artichoke leaves are beneficial to dog health since they contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and K. Additionally, dogs with joint or arthritis problems can benefit greatly from the collagen found in artichokes.

Benefits of Artichokes for Dogs’ Health

The following are some nutritional benefits of artichokes for dogs:

1. Dietary fiber: Artichokes are rich in dietary fiber, which helps the digestive system move along without constipation. Additionally, fiber can increase your dog’s post-meal contentment.

2. Vitamins and minerals: Artichokes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, niacin, and folate (particularly folic acid). Additionally, they have trace levels of zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin K. Niacin and folic acid, two B vitamins found in artichokes, encourage the production of red blood cells.

3. Low in fat and cholesterol-free: Artichokes don’t have any cholesterol and have low-fat content. 

4. Antioxidants: Artichokes, like many vegetables, contain antioxidants including vitamin C. Antioxidants help to boost the immune system and eliminate free radicals from the bloodstream.

How to Safely Feed Artichokes to Dogs

Follow these recommendations while giving artichokes to your dog to ensure its health and safety:

Give your dog artichokes just in bite-sized pieces, and before serving, take off the thorny leaves and stem.

Avoid seasoning the artichokes with salt, herbs, or other ingredients that could be unhealthy for your dog’s health. The best preparations for artichokes are simply cooked or steamed.

Slowly introduce artichokes into your dog’s diet, and keep an eye out for any symptoms of allergic response or digestive issues.

Before including artichokes or any other human food in your dog’s diet, especially if your dog has any underlying medical issues, speak with your vet.

How Many Artichokes Should You Feed Your Dog? 

Dogs can consume the entire artichoke, but there are healthier, easier methods to prepare it. To test the waters and look for any gastrointestinal symptoms, artichokes should only be given in modest amounts to dogs.

Overeating artichokes may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is particularly true if they’ve never eaten artichokes before because their bodies might need to adjust.  

As with any food, start with modest portions and gradually increase how much you feed your dog to give the digestive system time to adjust.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that artichokes shouldn’t be served as a regular meal and shouldn’t be fed raw because they can be difficult to digest and contain a substance called cynarin that can temporarily reduce the liver’s ability to produce bile, which can be harmful to dogs who already have liver disease.

3 Different Ways to Serve Artichokes to Dogs

After correctly preparing the artichoke, there are several methods you can feed it to your dog:

Plain: You may just top your dog’s usual meal with the cooked, bite-sized artichoke pieces as a nutritious addition. Always start with tiny serving sizes and increase them gradually if your dog tolerates them well.

Mashed: You may mash the cooked artichoke and add it to your dog’s diet for simpler digestion. For dogs who have dental problems or trouble chewing, this may be very helpful.

Frozen treats: You may also make frozen treats by combining mashed artichokes with plain, unsweetened yogurt and freezing the mixture in ice cube trays. On hot summer days, these treats can be a cool and wholesome snack for your dog.

Alternatives to Artichokes for Dogs

There are many healthy substitutes for artichokes if you want to add more nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables to your dog’s diet. Here is a list of several fruits and vegetables that are safe for dogs and can offer important nutrients and health advantages:

Carrots: Packed with potassium, fiber, and beta-carotene, carrots are a nutritious and low-calorie treat for dogs. They can be boiled, steamed, or served raw.

Green beans: They are a high-fiber, low-calorie, and vitamin- and mineral-rich food choice that may be given to dogs either cooked or uncooked.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin’s high fiber content and vitamin A and C content can enhance immune system health and promote digestive wellness. Make sure to feed cooked pumpkin that hasn’t been spiced or sweetened.

Sweet potatoes: They can be steamed or baked and offered as a nutritious treat for dogs. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin A, and other nutrients.

Apples: Packed with fiber and vitamins A and C, apples are a tasty and crisp treat for dogs. Before feeding, make sure to remove the core and seeds.

Blueberries: Your dog’s immune system and general health can be supported by these antioxidant-rich berries. Serve them as a delightful treat either frozen or fresh.


Can Dogs Eat Artichokes Under Specific Health Conditions?

Before including artichokes in your dog’s diet, it’s important to visit your veterinarian if they have any special medical ailments, such as diabetes or digestive problems. Your vet can provide you with specialized recommendations based on your dog’s specific needs.

Can Dogs Eat Artichoke Hearts?

Yes, you can feed artichoke hearts to your dog as long as you properly prepare them for eating.

They are abundant in antioxidants, which aid in the body’s defense against diseases in dogs. But you should only give it to your dog in moderation.

Can Dogs Eat Fried Artichokes?

A small amount of fried artichokes wouldn’t be harmful to your dog. It is not, however, a healthy choice.

Dogs should generally avoid fried foods since they include fats and oil that can lead to indigestion and weight issues.  

Can Dogs Eat Spinach and Artichoke Dip?

Dogs shouldn’t consume excessive amounts of dairy products, and artichoke dip frequently contains a lot of cream cheese.

Because dogs are likely sensitive to it, it might trigger stomach issues.

Can Puppies Eat Artichoke?

Yes, but it’s not advised because vegetables or flower buds are harder, and sieve it will be challenging for puppies to chew and even bring about throat blockage.

If you still want to feed artichokes as a treat to your puppy do it cautiously. Then give the puppy cooked artichoke in little pieces and moderation.


If you’re going to feed artichokes to your dog, the most crucial thing to keep in mind is that moderation is extremely important. The hairy portion and the outside shell should not be eaten.

They might not be dangerous, but these pieces are a choking hazard. To reduce concerns like digestive problems or choking hazards, artichokes must be properly prepared and served.

Artichokes are safe, but they don’t provide all the nutrients a dog requires, so they should never be substituted for a complete meal. To be safe, consult your dog’s veterinarian before introducing any new foods, like artichokes, to your dog’s diet.

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