Trugreen Killed My Dog

Most dogs enjoy having free reign to run around the yard, especially if they have spent the entire day indoors. Although it is beneficial for them to exercise, it may also be damaging to them. This is because of the fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides used in the yards. These same chemicals that make grass grow and stay healthy can harm other species, including our dogs.

One of the most well-known brands in the United States is TruGreen. They’ve been providing a variety of services and plans to accommodate different lawn types and budgets. But what can a pet owner do if they believe their dog died from exposure to Tugreen? Continue reading as we go into greater detail on this and other topics.

What Is TruGreen

Millions of clients in the US receive lawn care services from the company TruGreen. The company promises to keep your lawn weed-free, green, and healthy. However, how do they manage that? What kinds of goods and services do they provide? Is it worthwhile to put your dog’s life in danger? 

TruGreen provides a variety of lawn service and product options. Among them are:

  • Fertilization: They can add nutrients to your soil to support the growth and health of your grass.
  • Weed control: TruGreen’s chemicals can aid in the elimination of undesirable plants that are competing with your grass for resources and space.
  • Aeration: Their skilled expert can aerate your soil by poking tiny holes in it. This enables your grassroots to receive oxygen, water, and nutrients.
  • Overseeding: TruGreen can reseed your lawn with fresh grass seeds. This will contribute to filling in any barren areas and enhance the density and color of your grass.
  • Pest control: Their experts can use chemicals that are specifically aimed at insects and other animals that could harm your grass or annoy you and your pets.
  • Soil amendment: amends your soil with lime or sulfur to modify the pH and make it more suited for your grass.
  • Tree and shrub care: They also provide a package that takes care of your non-grass plants, such as tree and shrub care. To keep them healthy, they can prune, fertilize, and apply pesticides.

Is TruGreen Safe For Dogs?

TruGreen wet chemical applications are not safe for pets for up to four hours after application and up to two days afterward. The company frequently uses pesticides that include hazardous compounds that are not even safe for kids to consume until they have dried. Nonetheless, to meet safe requirements, the company dilutes all compounds substantially.

TruGreen Killed My Dog – How And Why?

It can be very challenging and heartbreaking to lose a beloved dog while believing TruGreen is at fault. Like paying top price to have your dog put to death. However, you must make sure that all other potential reasons for death have been ruled out before you accuse TruGreen of killing your dog.

Many factors can cause a dog’s death. It could be brought on by illnesses, accidents, aging, or external poisoning. To ascertain the precise cause of death, you should see your veterinarian and perform a necropsy (an autopsy for animals). Additionally, you want to look for any additional elements that might have facilitated your dog’s exposure to TruGreen goods. This can be a result of the environment, the application process, or human mistakes.

If you have ruled out all other possibilities and are certain that your dog died as a result of exposure to TruGreen, you should be aware of how and why it occurred.

Your dog was most likely killed by TruGreen because it was exposed to hazardous chemicals that harmed its organs and systems. This is a horrible, avoidable circumstance that ought to never occur to any dog owner. TruGreen is subject to legal action for carelessness and wrongful death. Another positive alternative is to turn a negative situation into a positive one by raising awareness of the dangers of TruGreen products and informing other dog owners about them. When using this service, this will assist other dog owners in protecting their dogs.

What Chemicals Does TruGreen Use?

According to a Toxics Action Center report published in 2005, 53% of TruGreen’s pesticide products include possible carcinogens as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Furthermore, 41% of the components are banned or restricted in other nations.

All 32 of their pesticides have elements that endanger the environment, such as non-targeted insects, water supplies, and aquatic species. We don’t know what’s in their pesticides since there isn’t much control over inert ingredients.

However, based on a 2005 investigation, Community Action Networks discovered that TruGreen’s products contain:

  1. 2, 4 D: This is a caustic weed killer that can cause permanent eye injury.
  2. Bifenthrin: This is an insecticide that can irritate the skin and cause respiratory problems, lung infections, gastrointestinal inflammation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The central nervous system can be harmed by prolonged exposure.
  3. Carbaryl: This is an insecticide that can be harmful if ingested, applied topically, or breathed. Along with being carcinogenic, this also involves irritations of the eye, skin, and organs.
  4. Carfentrazone-ethyl: This is a carcinogenic herbicide that has been linked to lung damage, chronic eye impairment, gastrointestinal problems, pneumonia, and vomiting.
  5. Clopyralid: This herbicide can seriously hurt eyes and is dangerous if inhaled or comes into touch with the skin.
  6. Cyfluthrin: This is an insecticide that has a reputation for being particularly dangerous to dogs. If swallowed, it can be lethal and is acutely poisonous to the skin, eyes, and lungs.
  7. Diazinon: This is an insecticide that can be toxic when inhaled, dangerous when ingested, and may even be cancer-causing.
  8. Dicamba: This is a hazardous herbicide that irritates the eyes and can be ingested or absorbed via the skin.
  9. Dithiopyr: This is a pesticide that seriously contaminates the eyes.
  10. Ethylbenzene: This is a dangerous insecticide that can cause serious eye and skin irritation when ingested. Additionally, it may cause cancer, irritate the respiratory system, harm internal organs, and be lethal if ingested.
  11. Fenoxzprop-p-ethyl: This pesticide ingredient can trigger allergic skin reactions and is extremely hazardous to aquatic life.
  12. Glyphosate: This herbicide and pesticide is known to irritate the skin and eyes, cause cancer, and trigger food allergies.
  13. Imidacloprid: This Pesticide and insecticide imidacloprid has the potential to be harmful when ingested or inhaled. It has the potential to cause cancer and can harm organs, especially when used frequently.
  14. MCPP: is a corrosive herbicide that is extremely dangerous when swallowed, breathed, or absorbed via the skin.
  15. Myclobutanil: is a fungicide that results in eye irritation and is dangerous to aquatic life when consumed or absorbed via the skin.
  16. Naphthalene: is a pesticide ingredient that can irritate the eyes and induce skin sensitization.
  17. Pendimethalin:  is a weed-killing chemical that is extremely poisonous when inhaled, causes allergic skin reactions, and is potentially lethal when eaten or enters the airways.
  18. Quinclorac: is a herbicide that is toxic when inhaled and causes eye and skin irritation.
  19. Trichlorfon: is a lawn pesticide that is toxic if consumed and irritating to the skin and eyes. It is extremely dangerous to birds and aquatic life. Headaches, weakness, excessive sweating, vomiting, and salivation are additional possible side effects.
  20. Triclopyr: is a herbicide that can cause major eye damage, skin irritation, and groundwater contamination.
  21. Trifloxystrobin: is a fungicide that can produce allergic reactions on the skin and is extremely harmful to aquatic life.
  22. MCPA: a herbicide that poses a danger of eye, respiratory, and skin damage; it is hazardous to aquatic life and harmful if swallowed.

How Long After TruGreen Treatment Can I Let My Dog Out?

Depending on the specific treatment method used and the guidelines given by TruGreen, the answer to this question will vary. The waiting times for various treatments can vary, so it’s important to read and follow the instructions offered.

TruGreen generally recommends pet owners keep their dogs away from the treatment area until the lawn has fully dried. This lessens the possibility of any residue getting on your pet’s paws or being consumed while also ensuring that the chemicals have been absorbed by the grass. Weather conditions and the particular treatment technique used are only two examples of variables that can affect the precise drying time.

It is typically advised to hold off on letting your dog on the treated grass for at least 48 hours after a TruGreen treatment. This waiting period gives the chemicals enough time to settle and any potential hazards to disappear. To find out the precise waiting time, it is always advisable to speak directly with TruGreen or to the detailed instructions provided with the treatment.

TruGreen Poisoning Symptoms in Dogs  

If your dog runs out unnoticed into the yard to play and becomes poisoned. You should be on the lookout for hazardous symptoms. These signs and symptoms may vary based on the amount of chemical consumed or touched, as well as the individual’s size, age, and health status. The following are common signs and symptoms of TruGreen poisoning in dogs:

  1. Vomiting: The chemical or grass that your dog ate may cause them to vomit. The vomit may be red, frothy, or have an unusual color or odor.
  2. Diarrhea: It is characterized by loose or watery feces that may be bloody or have an unusual color or odor.
  3. Weakness: Your dog may become weak, fatigued, or drowsy. They may struggle to stand, walk, or move.
  4. Uncontrollable trembling: Your dog may shake, or twitch. This could indicate nerve damage or seizures.
  5. Breathing difficulties: It may pant, wheeze, cough, or gulp for air. This could indicate lung injury or respiratory discomfort.
  6. Drooling: Your pet may drool excessively or have trouble swallowing. This could be an indication of mouth irritation or throat injury.
  7. Neurologic signs: Confusion, disorientation, collapse, unconsciousness, seizures, and breathing difficulties may occur in your dog. These are major symptoms of brain injury or organ failure.

If you detect any of these signs and symptoms in your dog following TruGreen medication, seek immediate medical attention.

What Are Some Pet Safe Weed Killers?

If you’re looking for a new technique to treat your grass, make sure to read the product labels carefully. Some weed killers claim to be pet-friendly, but they may still include chemicals that are harmful to your dog’s health. Ingredients to avoid include:

  • 2,4-D (trimec)
  • Sethoxydim
  • Carbon tetrachloride
  • Choloroform

Is vinegar safe for dogs?

Yes, vinegar is harmless for dogs and an effective weed killer. Vinegar is a common element in many natural weed killers. You may also use vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle to address specific problem areas in your yard.

Safer Alternatives To TruGreen

If the idea of paying a company to come to spray good poisons on your lawn does not appeal to you, there are other things to consider. Among them are the following:

1. Natural and organic lawn care products:

You can use natural and organic lawn care products that are manufactured entirely of plant or animal materials. Example;

  • Boiling water: This procedure will kill any unwanted plants immediately and is effective for a wide affected area. However, be cautious because the water will harm any plants or grass it comes into contact with.
  • Sugar: Sugar may be pleasant for humans, but it is not good for weeds, especially difficult-to-kill weed trees and vines. Place some sugar on the plant’s base. Mix with chili pepper to avoid causing another bug problem.
  • Cornmeal: This acts on plant seeds as a pre-emergent. As a result, it will not hurt your plants and will keep weeds at bay.

These products are safer for both your pets and the environment than synthetic chemicals. They can help improve the soil quality, prevent weeds, repel pests, and nourish your grass. However, they may not be as effective or fast-acting as chemical products. They may also require more frequent application and higher doses.

2. DIY lawn care methods:

There are basic, low-cost lawn care methods you may use yourself. U can:

Mow your lawn regularly and at the appropriate height to keep it healthy and avoid weed growth.

To foster deep root growth and drought resistance, water your lawn thoroughly and infrequently.

Once or twice a year, aerate your grass to loosen the soil and allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots.

In the fall, overseed your lawn to fill in barren places and improve the density and color of your grass.

To eliminate weeds from the roots, pull them out by hand or use a hoe or weed-puller tool.

Cover barren spots with mulch or ground cover plants to keep weeds at bay.

To repel bugs, use natural remedies such as garlic, chili pepper, citrus peels, coffee grounds, or diatomaceous earth.

3. Local lawn care companies

You can also employ a local lawn care company that provides natural or organic services or uses fewer hazardous products than TruGreen. Local companies may have more expertise and experience with your area’s specific demands and issues. In addition, they may provide more customized and flexible service than a national company. Local companies might not have the same capabilities or reputation as TruGreen, and they might also price more or offer fewer services.

Tips for Protecting Your Dogs from Lawn Chemicals

It’s crucial to take precautions to protect our dogs from lawn chemicals. Dogs enjoy exploring, and they may unintentionally come in contact with or consume chemicals used on lawns, such as plant food, weed killers, and bug sprays. These substances may be dangerous. Therefore, it makes sense to exercise caution and seek out safety for our pets when maintaining our lawns.

Consider the following tips:

1. Keep Your Dog Inside While Applying The Chemicals.

While the treatments are being administered, it’s essential to keep your dog inside even if the products used are safe for pets. This lessens the possibility of unintentional exposure.

2. Allow the treated area to dry

Before letting your dog back outside after TruGreen has applied its products, give the treated area some time to dry. This will reduce the chance of any contact with the treated surfaces even more.

3. Water the lawn after treatment

Following their application, TruGreen advises giving your lawn a good soaking. This facilitates the items’ settling into the soil and limits your dog’s access to them.

4. Follow TruGreen’s Recommendations

TruGreen gives comprehensive post-treatment instructions and recommendations. To guarantee the effectiveness and safety of their services, abide by these recommendations.

5. Open Communication

Any unique worries or allergies your dog might have should be discussed freely with your TruGreen technician. They can offer further advice based on the requirements of your pet.

After your dog has been outside, wash its paws and belly.

This will aid in the removal of any chemicals with which they may have come into contact.

What To Do If Your Dog Comes into Contact With TruGreen Products

Here’s what you should do if your dog accidentally comes in contact with TruGreen products:

1. Keep Your Cool And Evaluate The Situation.

The first thing to keep in mind is to not freak out. The degree of your dog’s exposure to TruGreen products should be evaluated. Look for any outward indications of irritation, such as swelling, redness, or pain.

2. Remove Your Dog From The Contaminated Area

Please take your dog inside or away from the contaminated area if they have come into touch with TruGreen products outside to avoid further exposure. Any further contact with the product must be stopped.

3. Read The Product Label And Gather Information

Read the TruGreen product’s label that your dog has had touch with for a minute. Pay particular attention to any directions, warnings, or cautions regarding unintentional exposure. You can use this information to help you decide on the best course of action.

4. Rinse Your Dog With Water

Before using the product, consult your veterinarian if the product label says it is safe to do so or if you have any questions. Rinse your dog well with water to get rid of any remaining TruGreen products from their skin and fur. To ensure a complete rinse, use lukewarm water and gently massage their coat. This move can reduce future exposure and associated irritability.

5. Contact your veterinarian

Contact your veterinarian right away if your dog displays any signs of discomfort or if you have any questions about the potential risks connected to the TruGreen product. They are the most trustworthy resource to turn to for advice catered to the specific needs of your dog.

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