Cracked Raw Egg Over Dog Food – 6 Benefits and 8 Risks

You have to ensure that your dog eats a balanced diet. Ensuring that your dog gets a balanced diet is your duty. That is why you keep researching and looking for new ways to keep your Fido nourished and glowing. You might have seen your friend or on the internet, paw parents cracking raw eggs on dog food, and you are wondering whether it is safe or does it add any nutritional value.

Should You Crack Raw Eggs Over Dog Food?

It is okay to crack raw eggs in your Fido’s food. They are a great source of protein, vitamins, and amino acids and assist in strengthening the bones. However, feeding raw eggs can lead to bacterial illness, a choking hazard, allergy development, and obesity if fed in excess.

Benefits of Feeding raw eggs to a dog

1. Eggs Contain Essential Fatty Acids

These are essential fatty acids that your dog needs but cannot be synthesized in his body. There are two types of essential fatty acids; Omega-3 and Omega-6.  

A lot of commercial feeds are rich in omega-6. Therefore many vets advise dog parents to supplement their dogs with omega-3. 

If you add a cracked egg over dog food, you will supply your dog with omega-3 and omega-6. 

Because most farmers feed flaxseed to their free-range hens, they have a higher Omega-3 content.

Your dog can easily recover from injuries and fight off illness with the aid of essential fatty acids. They also aid with skin issues and contribute to a healthy coat.

Other sources of fatty acids are;

  • · Fish oil. 
  • · Corn oil. 
  • · Canola oil.
  • · Flaxseed oil.

2. Are A Great Source Of Protein

Eggs are among the food that is highly rich in protein. Additionally, they have a high biological value meaning the proteins in them can be easily absorbed by the body.

Proteins aid a dog’s body in;

  • Growth of hair.
  • Giving energy.
  • Formation of new cells.
  • Production of hormones.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Encourages A Dog To Eat More

Some dogs are picky eaters, making it hard to make them eat. Raw eggs can be of great help because they increase your dog’s appetite. They can help a dog that has been ailing and wants to eat more.

Even if the sight of raw eggs in your food cannot be appealing to you, it is a different case with your dog. Your dog will drool by seeing raw eggs in his food.

3. It is Of Great Importance To Dog With Arthritis

Egg shells provide dogs with calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and some other traces of minerals. 

A study shows that eggshells can be important to a dog suffering from arthritis. This study was conducted on 51 dogs.

In six weeks, the dogs showed improvement on:

  1. Pain by 22%.
  2. Quality of life by 26.8%.
  3. Treatment response by 22.5%.

Furthermore, the dogs did not show any adverse effects during this duration.

4. Supply The Dog With Amino Acids

Though protein is significant, the amino acids that make up the protein your dog consumes are even more vital. There are 20 amino acids; your dog’s body can synthesize half of them. The remaining 10, known as the essential amino acids, must be taken in through food.

Not every essential amino acid is present in every protein. Most likely, the protein level of the commercial food you feed your dog is listed, but not all the individual amino acids. Ten of the necessary amino acids are present in eggs. By giving your dog cracked raw food over dog food, you can ensure that it receives enough essential amino acids.

5. Great Source Of Vitamins

Before dogs were domesticated, they lived in the wild. Raw eggs were part of their diets.

Eggs provide dogs with essential vitamins like;

  • Niacin.
  • Folic acid.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Vitamins A, D, E, K.
  • Vitamin B- complex. 

Vitamin A promotes a healthy immune system and cell function. Vitamin B6 helps in the Red blood cell activity and immune response. In addition, the vitamins found in eggs support normal growth and metabolism.

Some of these vitamins may be present in your dog’s regular food, but many others may be deficient. Although your veterinarian might advise taking a daily vitamin supplement, breaking an egg over your dog’s food is much simpler and less expensive.

6. Can Serve As A Treat

Dogs like to be given a diet different from their normal ones now and then. Some of the commercial treats may not be of great benefit to your dog like raw eggs.

Though eggs should not be consumed in large amounts, you can treat your dog with an egg every now and then.

Risks of Feeding Your Dog Raw Eggs

1. Eggshells can choke a Dog

Large breeds will chew and swallow the eggshell more easily than small breeds. Also, some other dogs tend to swallow food without chewing and can easily be choked. You can grind up the eggshell into powder form or crush it into small pieces to prevent the risk of choking.

2. Egg Whites Contain Avidin

A protein called avidin can hinder digestion. Certain vitamins and minerals may not be absorbed due to the avidin proteins found in egg whites.

Even though egg whites contain avidin, giving them to your dog in moderation shouldn’t be dangerous. For the majority of dogs, it would require many eggs per day to consume a dangerous dose of avidin. So it shouldn’t harm your dog as long as you don’t feed them excessive amounts of raw eggs.

3. Contaminated Eggs Can Lead To Salmonellosis

If your dog consumes contaminated eggs, he contracts salmonella bacterium. This will result in a disease called salmonellosis. It can lead to other illnesses like;

  • Septicemia.
  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Spontaneous abortions.

This infection can exhibit signs like; 

  • Skin problems.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Very fast heart rate.
  • Slimy poop (mucus).
  • Disinterest in activity.
  • Swelling of lymph nodes.
  • A lot of vaginal discharge.
  • Fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Collapse.
  • Weight loss. 
  • Dehydration

This disease can lead to miscarriages in pregnant dogs. Take your dog to the veterinary if he exhibits the above signs. 

4. Can Lead To Egg Allergies

One of the 10 most frequent allergies is eggs. Dogs who are exposed to egg protein may develop allergies. Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems might result from an egg allergy. Additionally, allergies frequently impact a dog’s skin and coat. You can observe scratching, rubbing, licking, and red, itchy skin if your dog develops an egg allergy.

If you decide to feed raw eggs to your dog, introduce them gradually. Keep an eye out for any allergic symptoms in your dog. If you see any indications that your dog may be experiencing an allergic reaction, stop giving him eggs and consult your veterinarian.

5. Feeding Eggs In Excess Can Lead To An Overweight Dog

Canines require protein, and eggs are a wonderful source. However, giving your dog too many eggs can result in their body having too much protein.

According to the AKC, it might result in weight gain mostly because your dog will eat more calories.

Therefore, experts advise you to give your dog a few eggs. Not as part of their daily diet. This is because an overweight dog will have several complications.

Why is obesity bad in dogs?

This 2018 study found that dogs who are obese or overweight normally have shorter lives. A chance of instantaneous death is also present.

In North America, 56,787 neutered dogs of 12 breeds were the subject of the study.

The experiment’s veterinarians also noted the importance of preventing canine obesity.

In addition, an overweight dog runs the risk of contracting the following illnesses:

  • Skin infection
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Type 2 diabetes 2.
  • High blood pressure
  • Orthopedic issues.
  • Respiratory and cardiac conditions.

6. Coli May Be Present In Raw Eggs.

There is a possibility of raw eggs containing E.coli bacteria. This bacteria is a threat to dogs and people. The lower intestine of a dog naturally contains Coli bacteria, but an overabundance of these typically benign bacteria can result in a dangerous infection.

Although giving your dog raw eggs can increase his risk of developing an E. coli infection, you can reduce the risk by adhering to hygienic feeding practices. Ensure that the eggs are of top quality and are preserved correctly. Be sure to wash your dog’s dishes after every meal, especially if it contains raw eggs, and to wash your hands before and after preparing the food for your dog.

7. Eggs Contain a Lot of Cholesterol

Due to the high cholesterol content of eggs, several people are hesitant to feed their dogs eggs.

But even so, unless your dog has hyperthyroidism or diabetes, the amount of cholesterol in eggs shouldn’t be a problem. As a component of a balanced diet for a healthy dog, the cholesterol included in eggs should not cause any concern.

8. Biotin deficiency

Eggs contain avidin, which prevents biotin from being absorbed. Which is a B-complex vitamin present in the egg. Your dog may become deficient in biotin as a result. Even if it’s uncommon in dogs, it can still seriously impact them, especially on their skin.

According to this study, biotin in the yolk and avidin in the egg whites can bind. This stops it from being absorbed by the dog’s digestive system.

Thus, the dog will experience alopecia or hair loss. According to the study, giving dogs raw eggs is the root of this problem.


Whether to feed cracked raw eggs over dog food or not will depend on first weighing all the benefits and the risks associated with it. You should also consult your vet to advise more according to the health of your dog.

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