Are Astilbes Poisonous To Dogs? Plus 3 Poisonous Plants To Dogs

Astilbes make a compound look lively and beautiful. So, you are now intending to plant them in your compound but the first question every caring paw parent should ask is, how safe are they to my dog?

Are Astilbes Poisonous To Dogs?

Astilbes are not poisonous to dogs. Fidos can eat the roots and flowers without any discomfort in their tummies or any other problem to their health. The only reason why you should not let your dog eat Astilbes is that they can have bites from insects that can cause discomfort.

Scroll down to know what Astilbes are, what other plants are poisonous to your dog, what to do when your dog eats a poisonous plant, and how to prevent your dog from eating poisonous plants.

What Are Astilbes

Astilbe Plant

This is a perennial plant that can live for many years and yields spiky flowers. 

It has a variety of colors like pink, deep red, violet, white, and lavender. This makes it more suitable for your garden.

They can grow up to 5-6 ft. Depending on the type of Astilbes you choose to grow.

It has 18 species you can select from and this will also determine when they will bloom depending on the variety.

Some species of this plant can bloom during fall, late summer, or late spring.

Plants That Are Toxic To Dogs


Yew Plant

Symptoms: Seizure, Short breath, muscular tremor.

Both animals and people are poisoned by this plant. It is used while making wreaths. In case you buy a wreath that has Yew, you should place it where your pooch can’t reach.

Ingesting of Yew can lead to death to your dog due to heart attack.


Oleander Paints

Symptoms: Drooling, diarrhea, depression, and abdominal pain.

Oleander is extremely toxic to dogs in all forms.

The waters that this plant floats on are toxic too. 

So you ought to prevent your dog from getting access to it. It would be ideal if you never planted this flower in your garden at all.

Sago Palm

Sago Palm Plant

Symptoms: dark poop, vomiting, yellow eyes, and thirst.

This plant can be very toxic to dogs. It contains a chemical known as cycasin.

If ingested, this chemical leads to liver failure.

My Dog Ate A Poisonous Plant, What Should I Do?

The first step to do is to call your vet. Gather information on when and what plant he ate as it will help when treating your dog.

If you cannot identify the specific plant that your dog consumed, you should collect samples of his poop or vomit. They will help to identify the poison from which plant.

Unless the veterinarian instructs you to, never induce vomiting.

Dogs can easily read and reflect our moods, you should keep calm not to stress your dog.

How Can I Prevent My Dog From Eating Poisonous Plants?

Train Your Dog The Leave it Command

Whenever you are out together in the garden with your pooch, train him the leave it commands whenever he put his mouth around things he should not. Dogs are curious and will always want to explore, the best thing is not to plant poisonous plants at all because you can’t supervise them always.


The reason why many dogs eat things they should not is boredom. If you keep him busy with exercises and plenty of toys, he will be engaged most of the time.

Avoid Them

The best way of ensuring that your dog does not consume poisonous plants is by not planting them in your garden.

You should also avoid buying wreaths that have poisonous flowers in them.

Garden Hazard For Dogs

Apart from the above-mentioned poisonous plants, there are other dangers that your dog can encounter in the garden like:

Fungi and Mushroom

Typically observed in the autumn, especially in warm, wet weather. Not all kinds of fungi are harmful, but some can be fatal if consumed by your dog. Therefore, it’s best to completely avoid them.

Herbicides, Fertilizers, and Pesticides

These frequently include poisonous items for pets. Restrict access or cover to keep pets out of any areas you need to treat and avoid spraying any areas your dog frequently visits.

Grass Seeds

Grass seeds are particularly likely to cling to your dog’s skin in their paws, underarms, and ears. They may result in serious issues because they can irritate, infect, or even spread to other body parts.


Even though Astilbes are not poisonous to dogs, you should not allow them to eat them as they can have insect bites.

If you want to plant Astilbes with other flowers, you should avoid planting the poisonous ones for the safety of your dog.

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